
Showing posts from April, 2021

Unit 20 P1

L01 know how existing advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media product P1:Describe an existing media advertising campaign *The aims and objectives of the ad campaign is that they can spread there name and therefore create more sales and expand.The main aim of the nike company is to target all of the americans with there clothing regardless of your gender, age and physical fitness level. Over the past few years Nike have expanded so much just becuase of the advertising that they use. All over the world there are adverts for Nike and the avderts are on billboards all over the world and in the busiest countries in the world. *The target audience of Nike has changed since the begginning of the company.In 1988 the brand Nike changed there target audience from elite athletes to normal everyday people. I believe one of the main reasons for this change is because they know that they will create more sales by this. Nike want everyone to buy and wear there clothes. A...